My Route

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Day 57: Monday, 27th August. REST DAY #6: O'Haire Motel Inn, Great Falls, Montana

Slept in till 7:30am! Had a leisurely breakfast! After that strenuous effort, switched motels from the somewhat anonymous Super 8 to the friendly (and less expensive) O'Haire Motel Inn, and found myself a good bike shop to sort out the mysterious p.p.p. Brin Grosfield of Knicker Biker reckoned that the front wheel bearings had got too tight and loosened them just a little. What a difference. Other than that, I'm glad to say my lovely bike is still in tip-top condition. Probably the experience of the past few days was exacerbated by contributing factors such as poor road condition, blustery head/sidewinds and general tiredness.

I spent the afternoon at the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center, where I learned a little more about President Thomas Jefferson's Corps of Discovery. Great adventure stuff, and lots about all the Indian tribes they encountered, but little on the research they conducted. One principal goal was to follow the Missouri all the way to the Pacific. I wish! They had to struggle over the Rockies, just like all us cyclists to follow...